Caffeine as a Gym Partner [GreenEyedGuide on Avitae Blog]

Caffeine may not seem like a “must-have” for a workout, but there are three major reasons why people at all fitness levels benefit from consuming caffeine before exercise. Check out this article I wrote for the Avitae blog!


Don’t miss this article, featuring three major reasons to add caffeine to your next workout:

  1. Caffeine Improves Performance and Endurance
  2. Caffeine Improves Focus
  3. Caffeine Encourages Fat Burning


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Boring Basic Biotin knows only one move: Book Excerpt of the Week

Biotin is really boring. Biotin only knows how to do one thing. Biotin helps our bodies derive energy from fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. New research suggests more than 2,000 human genes depend on biotin for expression. However, all of these processes and mechanisms described above involve delivering carbon dioxide from one place to another.

Biotin is like a dancer who only knows one move or a guitar player who only knows one chord

This is not to say biotin is not important, of course it is. For example, a fatty acid chain that is 3 carbons long is really hard to metabolize. It’s more difficult than three people trying to walk side-by-side down a narrow sidewalk. If you have four people, you can double-up and walk in two rows of two.

After biotin slaps on another carbon dioxide molecule to make the chain an even number of carbons long, it’s a lot easier for our bodies to continue that metabolism reaction.

I would love to tell you more about the specific enzyme that has this even-numbers-only fetish, but all my biochem books are in a box. Did you know GreenEyedGuide is moving from So Cal to Wisconsin? You can read about it on my other blog, West Coast Meets Midwest.

Biotin is important, but I will always think it is boring.

To learn more about the reactions where biotin gets to be the hero, get your copy of MY BOOK: “Are You a Monster or a Rock Star: A Guide to Energy Drinks — How They Work, Why They Work, How to Use Them Safely”

STAY TUNED every Monday for more book excerpts and the science behind energy drink ingredients as we continue our page-by-page exploration through the Energy Drink Guide.

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Bai Sparkling, Cocaine Energy, and Monster Ultra Violet: July Recap of Quick Reviews – Science of Energy Drinks

Here’s a recap of the quick reviews posted this month for the “Science of Energy Drinks” series on the GreenEyedGuide Instagram and Facebook pages: Bai Sparkling Antioxidant Infusion, Cocaine Energy, and Monster Ultra Violet.

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What if I told you about gluco-neo-genesis and biotin- Book Excerpt of the Week

Gluconeogenesis literally means the creation of new glucose. This process is kind of a big deal because glucose is the primary source of fuel for our bodies and there are times we have to make that fuel ourselves (as opposed to ingesting it). That process of gluconeogenesis relies on enzymes, which are like tiny machines in our bodies that do the work to keep us functioning. Those enzymes/machines rely on the vitamin BIOTIN the way a remote control relies on batteries.

In general, BIOTIN-dependent enzymes are involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins BUT BIOTIN is REALLY BASIC and BORING in the role it plays. We’ll get to that next week…

🤓💚📚🔬☕Get your copy of my book “Are You a Monster or a Rock Star: A Guide to Energy Drinks- How They Work, Why They Work, How to Use Them Safely” on Amazon
(⁉️⚡paperback, hardcover, e-book available, AUDIOBOOK COMING SOOOOOON⚡⁉️)

STAY TUNED every Monday (and sometimes Tuesday) for more book excerpts and the science behind energy drink ingredients as we continue our page-by-page exploration through the Energy Drink Guide.

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How Vitamin B5 Works: The Puppy Metaphor- Book Excerpt of the Week

Last week we said that supplementing with pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) is pointless because it’s abundant in so many different foods. Supplementing is pointless, but the vitamin is not. Pantothnic acid has an important job when it comes to metabolizing food for energy. This puppy metaphor will help you remember WHAT B5/PANTOTHENIC ACID DOES:

  • Pantothenic acid helps form Coenzyme A.
  • Coenzyme A is essential for metabolism of carbs, protein, fat, and alcohol.
  • When these food molecules break down, they end up as ACETATE.
  • Acetate may come from the metabolism of carbohydrates, fat, alcohol, or protein, just like a dog may come from the pet store, the pound, the street, or a neighbor.
  • Coenzyme A is like the person  who brings a dog, in this case acetate, to the park.
  • Regardless of where it came from,  a healthy dog wants to go to the PARK. If you bring it to the PARK and let it run, you’ll see a 💥burst of energy 💥.
  • Coenzyme A has to bring acetate to the KREBS CYCLE, which results in a 💥huge release of energy 💥


STAY TUNED every Monday for more book excerpts and the science behind energy drink ingredients as we continue our page-by-page exploration through the Energy Drink Guide.

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