Why Does Coffee Make You Pee

Why does coffee make you feel like you have to pee? Does caffeine make you dehydrated? What if it’s caffeine from tea? From an energy drink? This is the second in a three-part series on caffeine and hydration. In this series, we answer the most commonly asked questions including:

  • Does caffeine make you dehydrated?
  • If water makes you hydrated but caffeine makes you dehydrated, what about caffeinated water?
  • Is caffeinated water better than energy drinks?
  • Why does coffee make you pee?
  • How does caffeine affect urine output?

In This Series:

Caffeine, Urine Output, and Hydration – A Summary of the Science

Short on time? This blog post is available in podcast form! The Caffeine at Midnight Podcast is available wherever you get your podcasts.

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