Freebie Vault

Free Downloadable Guides for Caffeine Addicts and Energy Drink Lovers

If you’re tired of the “just get more sleep” advice and dramatic “energy drinks will kill you” headlines, you’ve come to the right place. Coffees and energy drinks are not always as GOOD or as BAD as they seem. If you want realistic information about caffeine and energy drinks, explore this Freebie Vault below.

Learn more about Caffeine Scientist, Author, and Speaker GreenEyedGuide here: GreenEyedGuide Bio

Level of Fatigue Tracker

Use this GEG Energy Audit PDF to track your Level of Fatigue and caffeine intake. Use this to identify your fatigue triggers and ways to minimize them.

Level of Fatigue Tracker

Top 10 Caffeine Tips

10 science-based tips to help you get more OOMPH with less caffeine and avoid the most common caffeine side-effects

10 Caffeine Mistakes ebook

Can I drink this (coffee/energy drink) every day?

Wondering how good/bad your favorite coffee or energy drink really is? In this FREE ONLINE COURSE, GreenEyedGuide will show you what to look for on a label and how much caffeine is too much.

drink energy drinks every day teachable cover

Energy Drink Report Card

See the rating for top-selling energy drinks, coffees, and teas!

greeneyedguide energy drink report card download

Worst Energy Drink Stereotypes Bingo Card

Use this BINGO card to help you spot the most misleading stats and worst stereotypes about energy drinks.

enegy drinks in the news bingo card greeneyedguide

Handy Guide to Caffeine Half-Life

Calculate when to stop drinking caffeine so it doesn’t mess with your sleep.

handy guide to caffeine half-life

Caffeine and Energy Drink Tips for Exams

Tips for using caffeine for exams and cramming.

Preparing for the Night Shift [Webinar]

Watch on YouTube – How do you get more energy when you work the night shift? How do you prepare for the night shift and recover from sleep-deprivation? Featuring Sleep and Fatigue Specialist Clinton Marquardt and Caffeine Scientist and Author GreenEyedGuide.

preparing for the night shift WP cover

Drink This Instead – Night Shift Edition

Includes energy drink recommendations

Dowloadable guide to energy drink alternatives - healthy swaps to Red Bull and Bang